Thursday, May 27, 2010

Getting There

Each week since I stopped wearing my walking cast, I've been noticing a lot of improvements in my foot, posture, and strength on the left side of my body. My physical therapy session on Monday was a great impetus to start readjusting back to my old routine, just without a lot of impact on my legs.

According to my physical therapist, I also have weak hips which he wants me to work on strengthening through pilates and some other exercises. Here are just a couple of the moves I'm doing every day - some focus on hips and some (like wall sits and wimpy calf raises) are just to help me get comfortable putting my full weight on my left foot again:

I've dusted off my gym membership card and have been going there to do my exercises and squeeze in some other exercise as well. I want to focus on regaining my strength overall and have started following the Fitnessista's Intro to Weight Lifting plan (with modifications) in addition to my regular pilates class. My upper body and abs are already feeling stronger!

The biggest chance I'm noticing is the speed with which I'm able to walk these days. I use the ball of my foot and am frequently passing people on my walks around the city and able to walk for longer!  I still haven't run a step because I don't feel like I'm fully healed or able to wear anything but my cushy sneakers.

Every day I'm getting better and hopefully I'll be able to wear real shoes in a few weeks for a friend's wedding!

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