Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Do you ever have days where the first part is completely different from the second? Where it feels like 2 days packed into one? That was my Tuesday.

My day began with a quick breakfast and then it was off to work.
1/4c BRM Hot cereal
1/3c frozen blueberries and strawberries
1c water
1/2 tbsp PB

I had one of those days at work where I just kept getting more and more frustrated with what I was doing. The good news was that my breakfast held me over for longer than it normally does, but when my hunger hit, my plans to come home for lunch went right out the window. I walked a couple of blocks over to Corner Bakery where I had a great lunch: a cup of Lentil Three Vegetable Soup and half of a Chopped Salad, sans avocado, bacon, and cheese. The chicken was pretty fatty so I only ended up eating a few pieces but overall, the lentils and veggies made this meal was really satisfying!

I finished out my afternoon at work and decided that since I wouldn't have time for a run and gym class, I was going to channel all of my frustrations into kicking my butt in class. I had a quick snack of a Gala apple w/ cinnamon and a bit of AB and a piece of toast with some cheese on top, which I broiled to get crunchy. It was at this point where my day started to turn around.

I had a great class and I'm not sure if it was my pre-workout fuel or my mental focus, but the 60 minute class flew by and at the end, I felt like I had hardly done anything! This is definitely not how I usually feel at the end of class - I typically feel like I've earned my night on the couch watching the Biggest Loser. Tonight, I was ready to go for a run or another class...

Instead, I headed to my local Lululemon store for a special class they were offering called "Holiday Thriving: Indulge in Nourishing Food and Guiltless Self-Care." It was a fantastic hour of learning, helpful tips, and idea sharing with other participants in the class. Led by a holistic health counselor, I really enjoyed all she had to share with us! I'll be sharing my new knowledge in another post today - I'm looking forward to sharing the tips I learned for getting through the holiday season in a healthful way!

After a quick stop at the grocery store, I raced home for the Biggest Loser season finale and threw together a quick dinner. I had some leftover veggie chili w/ 1tsp cheese and a toasted corn tortilla. During commercial breaks, I was busy roasted a ton of veggies to have over the next couple of days. In the mix are broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and a diced yam. MMmmm!

I had a pear with some AB for a snack, and then, of course, about 1/2c or so of chocolate Chex. It might be time to get them out of the apartment!

I'm hoping that my energizing 2nd half of my day carries over into tomorrow. It seriously felt like a completely different Tuesday than the one I had started with!!

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