Tuesday, November 10, 2009

24 Hours of Craziness

How do you like the new layout?! I was getting bored of my previous background so I decided to mix things up a bit. Let me know what you think!!

Yesteray I got home from work in time to do a quick load of laundry, thus completing my thorough cleaning post-flu! I had a Gala apple in between trips downstairs to the laundry room. It didn't quite fill me up though so I had a small cup of my veggie chili about an hour later even though I knew I was meeting up with some friends at 8pm.

I still had quite a few points I was allowed to eat for the night, and eat I did - I had a second dinner, mmmm! I forgot to take a picture amidst all of the socializing, but I treated myself to a turkey burger (no bun) and fries (no picture). The waiter was so nice - he only charged me half-price because I didn't have the bun. It wasn't necessary but definitely nice. From the restaurant, I moved to the hotel where the UJC General Assembly was being held to see another friend in town for a bit. I wasn't feeling to great towards the end of the night so I shared a cab home with a staffer from Chicago (we had a great conversation about DC life) and attempted to go to bed but didn't fall asleep until 1:45am because of a stomach ache.

This morning I had a slice of toast, egg white, and an apple, which didn't quite fill me up so I had a half cup of grapes before heading into work.

It was an extremely productive day for me, despite not getting very much sleep. I took a short break for lunch consisting of a salad and veggie chili which fueled me through the afternoon.

I had to pick up a board game for my program tomorrow night and had a pear drizzled with almond butter and 1/4 of a Pure bar when I got home, with good intention to head to the gym. My motivation flew out the window though after realizing that my calves and Achilles muscles are still sore and need another day to rest. I'm a bit bummed about missing my cardio sculpt class but too tired to feel very guilty.

I had a salad and a black and kidney bean burrito for dinner. My filling consisted of sliced bell peppers and 1/4c each of black beans, kidney beans, and corn, plus salsa, garlic, and chili seasoning. I'm happy and full and anxiously awaiting the Biggest Loser! I'll probably end up lifting some weights as I watch so I still get in a bit of exercise. I'm also hoping to stay awake til a conference call I have later tonight...

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