Monday, September 20, 2010

One Day Weekend

After celebrating Yom Kippur Friday and Saturday and ending the fast with friends, I was excited to have a day to get myself together before a new week started. Sunday was going to be my one true weekend day dedicated to my to-do list. Somehow, I made a huge dent in what I needed to accomplish!

I slept less than well on Saturday night, probably from my 2 hour Saturday nap and a late dinner that stretched for a few hours. I peeled myself out of bed and spent some time at the farmers market. I picked up a few peaches, apples, and eggs. Look what else I found!

Breakfast was a leftover quarter of a bagel plus toast with an egg white and a pear.

I did homework and played catch up for the rest of the morning and early afternoon. When I took a break I realized my stomach was ready for food. Enter a simple salad plus homemade BBQ kidney beans and wild rice mixed with butternut squash and a few brussel sprouts.

The afternoon was less productive than I'd hoped. I can't seem to motivate myself to do ALL of my accounting homework at once :-/ I finally gave up and left for a walk before a group meeting in the evening. I got in ~3.25 miles in 50 minutes, had a good group project, and then picked up a couple of things at the store.

By the time I got home I was thinking about dinner but unsure of what to make. In the end I went with my favorite - roasted veg and brown rice pasta. I had carrot and okra "fries" plus a serving of pasta with tomato sauce, roasted broccoli, spinach, and a bunch of spices on top.

Dessert while doing some cleaning and tidying up was an apple topped with a couple of tablespoons of Crunchy Maple Sunrise cereal, raisin, and a drop of peanut butter.

What was the highlight of your weekend?


  1. I had a really hard time staying motivated to do homework as well. It's just too hard when the weather is so nice outside!

  2. oh gosh, one think I do not miss is accounting...good luck girl!!
